Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have any hangar space available for rent?
We are currently full but we can put you on a waiting list for an opening or for a future hangar.
How late can I get there and get fuel?
The fuel pumps are on and generally attended from sunup to sundown, 7 days a week. We do not have runway lighting. Call (507)645-4030 to verify outside normal business hours.
What type of tours do you offer?
We will conduct tours of the building and hangar, spending time in our history exhibit and showing different types of airplanes and gliders. We will conduct walking tours or provide seating if physical limitations require it.
How much does it cost to get a Private pilot’s license?
The short answer is approximately $10,000 which includes ground and flight time. Price can vary based on which airplane you fly and how quickly you can demonstrate the proper methods. This includes a minimum of 40 hours of flying time (20 alone and 20 with instructor) - per FAA rules. The best way to learn the big picture on this is to come in and meet with one of our instructors so he has a complete understanding of your wishes. We do offer a Discovery Flight which will introduce you to the flying world.
How do I buy and schedule a glider ride?
You can purchase a gift certificate on our web site, or by calling us or by coming into the airport. Scheduling can be requested by phone, but understand we must coordinate that with pilot availability, glider availability and tow plane and tow pilot availability.
Can I get a tail wheel endorsement from you?
Yes. We have instructors who can provide that training.
How much does it cost to rent an airplane?
Prices are subject to change but currently they run from $102 to $123 per flying hour (includes fuel) depending on which plane you are flying.
How much do your instructors charge?
Prices are subject to change but currently they run from $59 to $69 per flying hour depending on which plane you are flying.